Tuesday, January 4


So I made a commitment to myself this morning & joined "Resolve to Evolve 2011
Wellness initiative" over on the Raw Food Rehab site.

It is an 11 week commitment to eating raw food. I'm excited & a little apprehensive both! But I was really needing more accountability in living a healthy lifestyle & losing some weight & gaining energy. Wish me luck! I know I will grow from this experience immensely!

So I started off my day with lots of green tea to replace my usual coffee & this wonderful wild blueberry/hemp smoothie. It is one of my menu regulars & I always keep the ingredients on hand. I got the recipe from Green Chefs over at G Living years ago. I will try to add the link for the recipe if I can still find it. It has wild organic blueberries (I use frozen), hemp seeds, purified water, coconut oil/butter, vanilla, a frozen banana. You can add sweetener like agave if you want it sweeter but I am good without it. Also this smoothie is an excellent base to add greens-- to make it a green smoothie. The rich purple color covers up the green color nicely when I serve it to my kids! I like to add a few kale leaves myself.

Found the link:
Blueberry Hemp Shake

1 comment:

Ella said...

Love this smoothie too! Keep us posted on how it goes!